MASL Celebrates Excellence in School Librarianship and Books

MASL is proud to be the creators of the Black Eyed Susan Award. This award is earned by winning the hearts and minds of student readers across the state of Maryland from kindergarten through 12th grade. Please see our Black Eyed Susan page for more detail on this outstanding program.
Celebrating School Librarianship
Michelle Forney Scholarship
We welcome one new librarian into our field with a complimentary MASL Conference Admission through the Michele Forney Scholarship each year. This scholarship is given in memory of Michele Forney and is awarded to a new librarian with fewer than 3 years in the field. To learn more, please go to the Michele Forney link.
The Maryland School Librarian of the Year award honors a school librarian for exemplary service and outstanding achievements in the field of school library media. This title was first earned in 2017. Read about this year’s winner, explore nomination criteria and become an active part of the Maryland School Librarian of the Year Award.
Each month, one school librarian is featured in the newsletter to highlight the innovation and diversity of school librarians across the state.